Lost and Found

If only writing down one’s feelings was like talking to a good friend. Unfortunately in the case of blogs, you have to work a lot on your friendship.

Is there a support group for feeling like crap without any reason…for a girl who got married and things changed rapidly through the process of marriage and then she was just starting to figure things out and she got pregnant and things got way ahead of her. She couldn’t really open up to anyone in her life..and things just started spiraling down from there.

What’s worse…she couldn’t really put a finger on anything and call it a cause and solve it but the problem was there holding her back this whole time…

So, ya is there any whatsapp group where you can maybe pour out your heart and talk about these random thoughts without adding to anyone’s baggage and seeming weak…

Just flow

You could be in happiness

You could be in pain

But if you don’t move forward

You will have nothing to gain.

Like blood flowing in a stream

Like the clouds passing by

Like the mystic winds of the Himalayas

Or a baby who tries to walk by.

Whoever you may be

Whatever you do,

Whatever may be your story

Wherever you go.

Your past may be your excuse

You might have tremendous weight

But the future belongs to those

Who open their rusted gate.

The Questions I Never Ask

I never ask

why you looked towards me…

why you turned towards me

for the very first time!

Why it was me and

only me that caught your sight.

I never wonder

why it was love that was between us..

why you were the one…

who saw me like you did.

Never asked why you glanced and.. had that special smile

that you still have.

I never ask why once you looked and.. never looked back..

and I know you never will.

But till date I know deep in my heart.. why you looked the way you did..

that day!

I never feel as to why among all other beautiful people..

it was my face that held you back..

it was my heart that felt the same way..

like yours did that day…

I know who came to my life that moment in time..

the august time frame when you stood before my eyes..

Confident and yet gentle to tell me and yet ask me..

the wonderful things you told and asked that day!

I never disbelieved in the miracles of time..

that slid past the frozen prospects of life..

and gave me to you..

so gradually.. and you to me…

like a promise of a lifetime.

I never ever questioned the awesome gifts of destiny..

even though it wasn’t the same all through the long way..

Maybe it was so because I knew you were coming..

Just coming to get me…

and walk with me..all the rest of the way.

Half hearted

People around her were mistaken

The less fortunate were God forsaken.

She was always trying to fit in the crowd

Always trying to make her people proud.

Day after day and night after night,

Her heart was shrinking tight

Trying to encase her chest

Under pressure to perform her best.

She did not want to be where she was

There was not a particular cause

Conquering her fears and letting go of her past

Breaking the long overdue cast.

The morning kiss

It’s pitch black outside

And he’s yet to return

She’s waited and waited and gone back inside

It’s starting to make her heart burn.

It’s silent in the house

It was always just those two

She wears her prettiest silk blouse

The one that was used for occasions few.

She sits on the couch

And gets under a woollen throw

Taking the letter out from her pouch

And reading how their love did grow.

She had gone over this again and again.

As if preparing for an exam that never came.

This whole relationship was becoming a cheap bargain.

Their long lost love was finding someone to blame.

It was dawn and the birds were awake..

She was fast asleep with his first letter in hand

And he was on the door step..for God’s sake..

This anniversary celebration was definitely going to be grand.

He knocked on the door with a heart full of fear..

She got up startled and ran to the sound..

As soon as their eyes met, she unconsciously dropped a tear,

It wasn’t out of love but the realization of being bound.

Opening the door fully to let him in,

She welcomed him to enjoy his stay

He was surprised with her strange grin..

She started gladly walking away..

He looked aghast and asked where are you going

She said I’m going to live my life

He said but can’t you see the winds are crazy blowing..

She threw away the pouch on the porch and said I quit being your wife.


Soldiers have war tales,

Mothers have their kids childhoods,

Fathers have their marriage jokes,

Kids have imagination.

The old have the ancestral stories,

The young have their hangovers,

The girls have their gossips and

The boys have their cricket matches..

Everyone has a story to tell

Each one more interesting than the rest

Narratives with implicit details

And endings with unpredictable drama..

I listen to them all..

And it has become a concoction of sorts..

They all feel like I have lived each one..

Even though I wasn’t involved..

5 ways for better time management

1) plan in advance: use a weekly planner to schedule what activities need your attention and decide your priorities among everything.

2) wake up early: getting a headstart early in the morning goes a long way in keeping up with the schedule made.

3) always make time for physical exercise: robust stamina is required to actively complete all tasks. Depending upon your interest, it could range from gym to swimming to walking to playing any sport.

4) don’t indulge in small talk and gossip: there is always a scope for politics and controversy wherever you go, so steer clear of it and focus on getting the work done.

5) take help if required: some tasks can be completed by house help and workers too, adjust where the need arises. Remember to include multi tasking in the process.

5 ways for self-improvement

1) be surrounded by positive people: environment has a great influence on how a person thinks and can either inspire to follow your dreams or distract to engage in unnecessary gossip and negativity.

2) have a consistent routine: erratic schedule leads to lack of productivity and brings morale down.

3) plan and schedule in advance: using a daily or weekly planner helps one to jot down priorities and keep track of one’s progress.

4) role of fitness and healthy eating habits: physical exercise helps build stamina and good eating habits helps to avoid health issues both of which leads to increase in productivity.

5) introspection and journal writing: jotting down thoughts helps to improve the thought process and clarity of mind.

Don’t store your valuables in the earthen clay pots…

Being a capricorn and a deep thinker has made me realize that we are so fragile and tangible. All that we built throughout our lives is just a thing which is so fragile..and more so in our minds..

It’s unfortunate that we let everything affect us so much..especially the misfortunes. We give up so easily when the sun sets and end up forgetting the warmth that we have gained throughout the day..

The unsaid..

I’ll never say how alive u make me..

I’ll never say how life was a chore until I met u,

I’ll never say how nature was boring..

And how I hated road trips..

But now I find happiness in simplicity..

I seek u everywhere..

In everything that I do..

It must be love.. Or its just my life..that’s being lived now..

Until now, this crusty existence was my identity and now this crisp living..

This enfuelled life has brought me back to the surface..